BAI Bank Overdraft
Private Compensated (Authorized) Overdraft is a consumer credit that corresponds to a debit balance in the customer's current account and is used for debit movements.
Private customers.
- The customer can use the credit for whatever purpose according to their needs;
- Speed in the concession process;
- Immediate access to availability during the current period of the line
Depending on the amount of the collateral invested in time deposit.
- Being a Bank customer for at least 6 (six) months;
- Term deposit constituted, according to the chosen product.
- Photocopy of the identity card;
According to the BAI Operations Price List in force.
At the account domiciliation desk.
It will be made available directly to the Beneficiary’s Current Account.
- Capital: Payable at maturity;
- Interest: Payable monthly.
If you need help with BAI Directo or with any of your cards, contact:
For information related to BAI Directo or want to report a situation
Exclusive to subjects related to debit cards (service provided by Call Center EMIS)
For subjects related to VISA Cads (service provided by Call Center VISA) abroad.
For further information contact the nearest BAI branch.