BAI Salary Account is an account for receiving
salaries, however, it does not present movement
restrictions for other credit or debit transactions. 


Easy for you to move your money


Fast and easy account opening process

Debit card
Provided at the moment you open an account

From this account, the customer will have access to the following solutions: 

  • Issuing of Cheques: making cheques available for cash payment orders, in a practical and secure way;
  • Bank Transfers: moving resources in a convenient way for any beneficiary (inter and intra bank transfers);
  • Bank Statements: upon request, the Bank issues account and equity statements for better control;
  • Debit Card: immediate and free availability of the Multicaixa network Debit Card, with national acceptance;
  • Term deposits: provision of a range of term deposits, with competitive rates and secure conditions, aimed at making the most of the savings of its beneficiary.

Other associated BAI solutions and services:

  • Acess to BAI Directo
    • Internet Banking: a service of the Direct BAI channel that allows customers, remote access to accounts, for queries and transactions over the internet, from a computer, through a secure page of the Bank;
    • Mobile Banking: Direct BAI channel service with features that allow the Bank's offer (services and products) to be made available via mobile phone.
  • Credit Solutions: they allow access to a wide range of credit solutions, including housing, car and wage advances.

Minimum opening amount: 


Fees and expenses: 

According to the price list in force.