Do you have any questions?
Find bellow the most frequently asked
questions about BAI Secure Credit.

SECURE CREDIT BAI is a type of compensated loan, which allows customers holding applications in BAI to have funds without having to mobilize the applications that are in progress.

Private customers with applications at BAI.

  • To have funds up to 48 (forty-eight) hours; 
  • To continue investments or personal expenses securely and at low cost. 
The maximum amount is up to the value applied regardless of the product, the minimum limit being 3,000,000.00 Kz (Three million kwanzas).

The repayment of the financing must be equal to or less than the maturity of the application, never exceeding 12 (twelve) months (non-renewable).

  • To be a BAI customer; 
  • The beneficiary must have a financial investment in BAI in Kwanzas or Dollars (Term Deposit or TGBs). 

❑ Letter of request stating 

  • Purpose
  • Amount
  • Credit guarantees to offer
  • Sector of activity
  • Company history and brief future perspectives;
  • Participation in other companies and / or related entities 

❑ Legal documentation of the company duly updated (with emphasis on the updated Commercial Certificate with a minimum validity period of 3 months) 


Note: The branch must add the updated Account Opening Form to the credit process. 

You should have only  one application in progress.

The repayment of the financing must be equal to or less than the maturity of the application, never exceeding 12 (twelve) months (non-renewable).

The fee is applied according to the BAI operations price list in force. The product launch rate is in NC (Kz) and is based on the application rate plus a spread of 3% a.a. 

It will be made available directly to the Beneficiary’s current account.

Financing must always be in Kwanzas (Kz).

According to the current BAI operations price list in force.

Still got some questions?
Contact our customer service:

If you need help with BAI Directo or with any of your cards, contact:

Ico Doc@1X

For information related to BAI Directo or want to report a situation

Ico Card@1X

Exclusive to subjects related to debit cards (service provided by Call Center EMIS)

Ico Plane@1X

For subjects related to VISA Cads (service provided by Call Center VISA) abroad.

For further information contact the nearest BAI branch.