A non-face-to-face channel that provides
an offer to the Bank's products and services
via mobile phone, computer or tablet.

All transactions are made securely, with user validation
Access your banking services anywhere in the world
Exclusive services
You will have access to a range of services exclusive to the application
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What can you do with
your Direct BAI?
With Direct BAI, you can perform various
operations using your mobile phone, tablet
or computer.

  • Ckeck your balance
  • Deposit
  • Withdrawal money without a card
  • Transfer money instantly
  • Transfer money instantlys
  • Pay utility bills
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Do you need help?
Contact our support line
now at 924 100 100.
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Do you have any questions?
Find bellow the most frequently asked
questions about BAI Current Account.
A non-face-to-face channel that provides an offer to the Bank's products and services via mobile phone, computer or tablet.
The activation process is complete from the moment the Bank gives you:
  • Access number: the client's ID. A 6 digits number, unique and non-transferable);
  • Access key: the secret code. A singular, personal, non-transferable number, defined by the Bank at the moment of service adherence and changed by the client after the first access.
BAI Directo has an activation cost and monthly expenses according to the price list in force, but the services and operations available in the service are free.
  • ID, Passport or Foreign residence card;
  • Residence certificate;
  • Fiscal Code;
  • Employer Declaration.
Clients (Individuals and Companies) and non-clients BAI.
  • BAI Clients: Fill the service form at any BAI branch;
  • Non-Clients: Open an account online.
Convinience: Access your banking services anywhere in the world.
Mobilidade: Pode aceder ao Banco de maneira remota.
Security and confidentiality: All transactions are made securely, with user validation (token) to the phone associated;
Simplicity: The instructions and menus available were designed to ease the client's costumer experience.
  • Adhesion: Any BAI branch and BAI Directo (After opening and account online)
  • Suport: customer service line 924 100 100 or atendimentobancaelectronica@bancobai.ao.
Files processing service that allows the companies (BAI Client) to make automated payments to their providers and employees safely.
Main advantages:
o Flexibility: It adjusts to the company's need;
o Monitorization through Internet Banking;
o The beneficiary doesn't need to have the account domiciled in BAI;
o No minimum limits defined regardless the format at the entrance of file.
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With SMS Banking
The client will be able to receive informations
about his BAI account, as well as make other
operations through SMS to the number 4224.

For further informations:
Ilustrações 33
Ilustrações 03

Download BAI Directo
Scan the QR Code aside with your
smartphone and start using.
For further informations:
Ilustrações 03
Download the service datasheet