Client Support
Criminal network's most common methods are social
engeneering technics and mass distribution of phishing
by e-mail or SMS, simulating trustworthy sources,
such as banking institutions.
Prevent yourself from being a Phishing victim.

Were you a victim of fraud?
Report immediately to:

Do you have any questions?
Find bellow the most frequently asked
questions about our Claims Service.
How can I make a complaint?
You can submit your complaint through the following channels:
- E-mail address (;
- Institutional page (;
- Contact center: +244 924 100 100;
- Whatsapp service line: +244 924 100 100;
- Branch, by filling in the Suggestion and Complaint Form;
- Letter, addressed to the branches or at BAI’s headquarters, located in Complexo Garden Towers, Travessa Ho Chi Min, Maianga, C.P 6022, Luanda-Angola, for the attention of the Customer Service Department.
What is the response time to the complaint?
The deadlines for replying to the complaint are regulated in article 23 of Notice No. 12/16, of 5 September of the BNA, and apply as follows:
- When it involves only one institution: 20 (twenty) days;
- When it involves two or more institutions established in Angola: 30 (thirty) days;
- When it involves one or more institutions not established in Angola: 60 (sixty) days.
- In complex situations where it is not possible to comply with the deadlines indicated above, the bank will notify the customer within the deadline described above, giving a status report and justifying the delay in the response.
- IWe inform that the customer can also submit their complaint directly to the BNA or use the page
Do you wish to make a complaint?
The cost is variable and depends on the price list in force. Please find the complaint form here.