Do you have any questions?
Find bellow the most frequently asked
questions about Term Deposit Increasing Yield.
Increasing Yield is a financial investment, with guaranteed capital, which remunerates the investor at an increasing interest rate, according to defined term echelons.
Private Customers and Companies.
The advantages are:
  • Security: the Bank guarantees the return on invested capital;
  • Convenience: interest paid quarterly on the current account;
  • Profitability: Rate increasing according to the application term.
Increasing Yield can be made in Kwanza and US Dolars.
The application term is up to 12 months, it being parameterized in a number of days, 365 days for Kwanzas and 360 days for Dollars.
Interest in Kwanza is based on BNA laws for TBC’s and interest in USD is based on international regulatory laws.
Interest in National Currency (NC) is based on BNA laws for TBC’s and interest in Foreign Currency (FC) is based on international regulatory laws.
Interest is calculated as follows:
I = Capital * Time * Rate / 365 days or 360 (based on the currency chosen)
Example: 90 day echelon: 100.000.00*90*9,50%/365= Kz 23 424,65
Interest is paid at the end of each echelon in the Customer’s Current Account.
Yes. There is a 10% tax on the calculated interest.
Yes. Less than 90 days terms require no payment of interest. To receive interest for the period you are in, you must always complete the respective quarter. If the redemption is in the first period (0-9 days), it does not receive interest, it only receives the capital applied, since in this case there is no previous period.
The customer must complete the Model for diverse orders. The Manager / Clerk must inform the customer about all product characteristics; fees, term, method of interest payment and early redemptions. After the operation is done, the customer must bring the slip duly signed, with the description of the Increasing Yield operation.
Yes, the Client can re-apply, but cannot give Permanent Instructions.
Applications must be made on the Network.
Features Increasing Yield
Term application
Private and Corporate
Private and Corporate Private
Minimum amount Minimum Kz 100 000,00 Kz and USD 500,00 Kz 50 000,00 or equivalent in USD Minimum Kz 30 000,00 Kz and USD 300,00
Yes, with interest penalty
When the beneficiary turns 18
Kz Rates
3rd Month - 9,50%
6th Month - 11,00%
9th Month - 16,00%
12th Month - 20,00%
1st Month - 5,00%
2nd Month - 6,00%
3rd Month - 8,00%
6th Month - 11,00%
12th Month - 13,00%
Luibor 12M + 0,75% a.a.
USD Rates
3rd Month - 2,00%
6th Month - 2,40%
9th Month - 2,75%
12th Month - 4,00%
1st Month - 1,00%
2nd Month - 1,10%
3rd Month - 1,30%
6th Month - 1,90%
12th Month - 2,00%
US 3,25% a.a.
12 Months
1,2,3,6 and 12 months
Until 17 years, depending on the beneficiarys age
Sim Kz 5 000,00 or the equivalent in USD

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Ico Doc@1X

For information related to BAI Directo or want to report a situation

Ico Card@1X

Exclusive to subjects related to debit cards (service provided by Call Center EMIS)

Ico Plane@1X

For subjects related to VISA Cads (service provided by Call Center VISA) abroad.

For further information contact the nearest BAI branch.